Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Did your Physician tell you to have CTS Surgery?
If your doctor told you that you had to have CTS Surgery, you owe it to yourself to get at least one more opinion. In some cases, surgery is not necessary.
We often receive messages by emails and over the phone from individuals that their Carpal Tunnel Surgery DID NOT relieve the pain, numbness, and tingling.
CTS operations come with some very real risks!
We believe carpal tunnel surgery should be considered only as a last resort. If swollen tendons are the reason for your carpal tunnel problem then why wouldn't you first try to reduce the swelling and relief the pressure by a way of a non-surgical affordable therapy product?
Most carpal tunnel syndrome cases do not need the drastic, invasive measure of surgery.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can be a frustrating and potentially debilitating condition. Although cortisone injections and surgery may not be avoidable, many less invasive therapies do exist.
Warning: surgical release operations come with some very real risks. Even with the latest surgical techniques, infection and nerve damage are a real possibility.
While severe problems occurring from CTS surgery are rare, there's always a risk. If you do have a CTS operation, you're going to experience pain, swelling, and stiffness, regardless of the long-term outcome.
Your CTS symptoms may be relieved after surgery but scraping out the carpal tunnel in your hand is going to produce new scar tissue. As scar tissue builds up it will ultimately add to the compression of your median nerve. So maybe, when you really think about it, carpal tunnel surgery is only a temporary measure.

Just a Temporary Fix
Your CTS symptoms may be relieved after surgery but scraping out the carpal tunnel in your hand is going to produce new scar tissue.
As scar tissue builds up it will ultimately add to the compression of your median nerve.
So maybe, when you really think about it, carpal tunnel surgery is only a temporary measure.
Post CTS Surgery
Your medical practitioner will most likely recommend your CTS hand(s) remain inactive in the form of complete rest or possible bracing for at least two weeks after surgery.
This is good advice but can you afford to take so much time off of work? And then, once you do recover from the surgery, it's back to whatever activity caused the carpal tunnel syndrome in the first place, and the pain comes back.
Doctors will recommend you avoid doing any activities that might aggravate your condition. Who can afford to do that? For most of us, this is nothing more than wishful thinking.
If your occupation requires you to perform certain tasks with your hands, then how are you going to change your hand movements? This doesn't sound to be realistic.
You probably have no choice but to continue to perform the same hand and finger movement, in the same way, all day long. After all, changing the way you do things, would seriously hamper your productivity and may affect your work, possibly even your jeopardize your job.
It can take 6 weeks to 3 months to recover from an open release operation on your hand. So think about it, isn't it worth your time (and your income) to try our affordable and effective far infrared therapy?
Do Affordable Non-surgical Treatments For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exist?
Yes, they do! Just Click on the Next Page to learn about safe CTS treatments without invasive surgery.
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