How To Avoid CTS Surgery

Is there Non-Surgical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel?
Yes, and it's affordable and yes, you may use this safe, soothing treatment at home and/or at work. The secret is out!.
More and more individuals are finding tremendous relief from the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome just by wearing Therapy Gloves and Wristbands.
Thanks to FIR GLOVES, individuals have been able to avoid CTS surgery.
Non-Invasive Far Infrared Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Your hands easily absorb the far infrared rays emitted and reflected from our special patented formula of bio-ceramics that are impregnated into the fibers of therapy gloves and wraps.
These gentle healing light rays penetrate deep into the soft tissue of your hands and stimulate blood flow at the molecular level.
Dormant, stagnant cells are unplugged, allowing nasty toxins that are restricting your circulation and flexibility to be flushed out.
Tendons become sore and inflamed for more reasons than just being overworked. If they don’t receive fresh oxygen and nutrients, via your circulation, then how are they going to stay strong, flexible and healthy?
Also, your body stores (encapsulates) toxins within the cells. This can negatively impact the normal functioning of your joints and tendons by reducing elasticity and strength.
Natural far infrared rays (FIR) help release stored toxins in the cells by stimulating cellular metabolism.
FIR increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged tissues in your wrists, hands, and fingers.
This activity reduces chronic pain, encourages healing, relaxation, comfort, and provides stress relief!
7 (Great) Reasons Why FIR Therapy Gloves Relieve Wrist Pain and Hand Numbness Caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Wear and tear of our wrist joints is a common part of life. We tend to stress our wrists doing almost anything.
Whether it’s lifting heavy objects in awkward ways, or prolonged stationary hand positions, like typing or knitting, Therapy Gloves can help relieve your pain, reduce swelling and promote healing in your wrists and hands. Here’s Why…
1. Micro-circulation is Stimulated
Far infrared rays emitted and reflected from our glove’s special patented material penetrate deep into the soft tissues of your wrist and hands stimulating circulation at the molecular level.
2. Thermo Warmth is Generated
By a process known as “resonance absorption”, far infrared rays dilate blood vessels and tiny capillaries in your wrist and hands. This miraculous process helps reduce pain and swelling of the tendons that run through the carpal tunnel, helping to alleviate pressure on the median nerve.
3. Inflammation is Reduced
As the micro-circulation in your wrists and hands improve, blocked energy pathways open up and inflammation is reduced.
4. Toxins Are Released
You may not know this, but toxins are a big factor in causing pain in your wrists. Uric acid crystals accumulate in the joint and hurt every time you bend your wrist. Far infrared rays actually break apart these toxic crystals and eliminate them from your joints.
5. Pain is Eased
When you wear Therapy Gloves, far infrared rays emitted stimulate micro-circulation, reduce swelling, and flush toxins. This is the part of the cause of your pain. Once the wrist joint begins to heal, pain is relieved!
6. Healing Process is Accelerated
By stimulating the circulation within the wrist joints and carpal tunnel, FIR therapy helps improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed to help reverse tendons suffering from repetitive stress. This safe natural treatment also speeds the healing process.
7. Your Wrists are Strengthened
Tendons and ligaments are strengthened once micro-circulation is increased and toxins are flushed from your wrists and hands. Why? The rejuvenation of the cells within the tendons and nerves that run through the carpal tunnel reduces swelling, increases feeling and promotes flexibility again.
Do Something Now
Do something now to help prevent the need for the surgical release operation.
Try Far Infrared CARPAL TUNNEL Gloves, you won’t be disappointed.
If you want to avoid surgery, then it's well worth it to try far infrared therapy products. We offer the 90-day risk-free guarantee and our premium products have helped relieve pain and improve quality of life for thousands of people just like you.
More good advice: therapies, like massage, acupuncture, and yoga have proven to be enormously beneficial to those dealing with the misery of carpal tunnel.
Here's the good news. You can use Gloves, wraps and wristbands to enhance and extend the financial investment of your massage and acupuncture sessions.
So, consider trying our therapy products, you'll be glad you did!
Click on the NEXT PAGE Link to read comments and reviews of how our therapy products have helped others....
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Open Finger Far Infrared Gloves
If you suffer from Trigger Thumb or Trigger Finger, these gloves are for
you. Why? Because the natural FIR energy actually reduces the
inflammation of the tendon sheath that is causing the your fingers to
snap, crackle and pop!