Raynaud's Symptoms

Symptoms of Raynaud's
Raynaud's Fingers turn white from capillaries shutting down.
A Raynaud's "Attack" can be triggered just by holding a cold glass of water or opening a fridge.
List of Raynaud's Syndrome Symptoms:
- Symptoms can vary in length from a few min. to several hours
- Numbness in one or several fingers (tips first then more of the finger(s))
- Tingling in one or more fingers
- Sometimes just one hand is affected
- Hands & fingers feel cold
- Occasionally parts of one or more fingers may lose sensitivity
- Some or part of the fingers may turn a waxy white
- Some or part of the fingers may turn a bluish color
- Later... some or part of the fingers may turn bright red
- Sometimes very painful
- Mild to intense throbbing as blood flow returns
- "Attacks" can occur weekly or even daily
Raynaud’s attack could well be part of the body’s natural defense mechanism gone awry. Let me explain...
Hyper Reaction Turn Fingers White, Blue & Red
White Fingers
The blood vessels in your fingers spasm and contract wildly, seriously constricting blood flow to your hands causing your fingers or fingertips turn white.
Your body’s natural defense mechanism has just hyper reacted to touching something cold!
The body's reason for this is to preserve your core temperature and protect your vital organs in an emergency situation. Blood is drawn away from the extremities and surface of the skin.
In the case of a Raynaud’s attack, it appears to be a hypersensitive overreaction to change in temperature or even experiencing emotional stress.
Blue Fingers
As blood supply begins to return to your fingers, your blood can still be low in oxygen. Your skin appears blue or discolored. Blue fingers are caused by the temporary lack of oxygenated blood flow to your finger tips.
Red Fingers
With a sudden rush of freshly oxygenated blood to your hands, nerve endings burn with pain, as the numbness and tingling retreats. Now your fingers turn red with fresh blood. If you’re a victim of Raynaud’s syndrome, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.
Every time you experience a Raynaud’s attack, blood flow, and oxygen supply is seriously restricted in your hands.
Frequent attacks can result in accumulative damage to your micro-circulatory system.
In other words, the more attacks you have, the more likely they are to occur again. It becomes a vicious cycle!
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