Resonance Absorption

What is Resonance Absorption?
Far Infrared Rays of light energy are the safest and the most beneficial to your health.
Only specific wavelengths (6-14 microns) of FIR are readily absorbed into the cells of your body by a natural phenomenon known as “Resonance Absorption.”
How Far Infrared Rays Heal Your Hands and Wrists
To understand how far infrared rays can greatly benefit your health, it’s important you first recognize a few scientific facts. First off, all matter on our planet is made up of uniquely arranged atoms and molecules, including us. I realize this concept can be hard to accept. Especially, when you can’t see or feel the reality that our bodies are comprised of nothing more than vibrating matter and energy.
Take a moment to think back to your basic biology or science class in school. Do you remember the teacher explaining the nature of the atom? You know, “all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms.” And these fundamental elements of life are continuously cycling and vibrating in some form of interaction. Okay, so keep this small detail in mind as I explain how far infrared light rays are absorbed so gently and easily into the cells of your hands and feet.
Resonance Absorption Is A Healthy Phenomenon
Natural far infrared rays emitted and reflected from Far Infrared therapy gloves & socks are of the same intrinsic vibration frequency as the cellular makeup of your hands and feet.
That’s why these “vital rays” of light energy are so easily absorbed deep into the soft tissues of muscles and joints. This natural process is known as "resonance-absorption.”
Your body’s cells will only accept and absorb FIR that’s identical in frequency (9-14 microns). The rest passes through harmlessly. Is that cool or what? And that’s not even the fascinating part of the phenomenon.
FIR increases the molecular vibration
Through “resonance absorption”, FIR increases the molecular vibration of your cells as it penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues. As the molecules of your cells are illuminated with far infrared light rays of the same “frequency”, it actually boosts your cellular metabolism. Now that’s amazing!
FIR light energy is transformed into heat energy resulting in a thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues. This is what sparks your micro-circulation and enhances your metabolism.
In other words, as your hands absorb the soothing FIR therapy rays emitted from our Far Infrared gloves, swelling and pain are reduced.
Easy to Wear
Wearing Far Infrared Therapy Gloves on a regular basis is probably the easiest way to genuinely improve the health and beauty of your hands.
And... they are affordable, compared to other hand care products that only last one session.
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Natural Light Transforms Into Healing Warmth
The warming effect of FIR can stimulate cellular metabolism and blood circulation in your hands. It can also promote the elimination of poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals, and other toxic substances that the body encapsulates in water molecules and stores in the subcutaneous fat cells.
Once you begin to improve the circulation in your hands from far infrared therapy, special things begin to happen. FIR helps to reduce swelling of joints and knuckles, relieves pain, and promotes cellular rejuvenation.
Think of it this way.
If you improve blood flow deep within the soft tissues of your hands, what can you expect to happen? What do you think happens when fresh blood and nutrients reach the micro level in your hands? Yes, you’re absolutely right. "FIR" improves the health of your hands.
Uric acid crystals can also accumulate in the finger, thumb and wrist joints of your hands. These tiny little “jabbers” can prick and grind away at the cartilage and tendons causing severe pain. Far infrared rays actually break apart the bonds of uric acid and help dissolve and eliminate them.
Due to changes in our present society, hardly any of us have the opportunity to receive even a small percentage of FIR required from natural sunlight. Many of us work in concrete environments, making it near impossible to receive these healthy “bio-genetic” rays.
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Open Finger Far Infrared Gloves
If you suffer from Trigger Thumb or Trigger Finger, these gloves are for
you. Why? Because the natural FIR energy actually reduces the
inflammation of the tendon sheath that is causing the your fingers to
snap, crackle and pop!