
Unsolicited Product Reviews from Real People

Real Reviews of Far Infrared Gloves from Customers Just Like You!

"I bought these gloves, they feel so good and they help my fingers that have pain from arthritis etc. i am so glad I bought these gloves" Mary Ann


To Whom May Concern I just wanted to thank you all for such a great product. Your product really works unlike others with similar claims. Maria H.K.


I have been using the gloves for less than 10 years sleeping with it every night. My hands feel recharge and strong. I am able to work typing in the computer. Afte work I feel the pain again especially during cold weather. Thank you for the product.

May I suggest that you have a strap for body back pain. I will save money to buy it right away. Emilie C.


Your Therapeutic Hand Products

Message: Can I tell you... YOUR Far Infrared Gloves are amazing. They provide the best comfort and circulation for relief to my hand surgery and Dupuytrens tension. Additionally, being the son of a late textile engineer, the product has a great additional value to me.
Thank You. David M. K


I really love your products. When I had trigger thumb on my right hand, I had it surgically corrected. When I developed trigger thumb on my left hand, I found out about the therapy gloves. In two months the trigger thumb went away...forever!

When I developed a bursa sac on my elbow, the doctors said the only way to correct it was to have the bursa surgically removed. I ordered your elbow sleeve, the bursa went away after a few weeks, and my neighbor doctor asked how that happened, and I told him about your products.

Now I'm developing early stages of Dupuytren's Contracture, so I am going to try the Infrared Gloves. I am expecting they will work!

Fred F. PA


Thanks - your products and your service are the greatest - that's why we recommend you to all our friends in Ireland and the UK..

I did tell you a while back about the fact my friend Sheila has dupuytren's contracture and your gloves have stopped it getting any worse for the past 6 months now.. you were going to tell your customers about this - I have contacted the dupuytren's contracture Help line again - hope they follow you up.

For her the gloves are a life saver -as she is an artist and uses her hands all the time... we really feel hundreds (thousands probably) of folks out there would LOVE to know how effective your therapy gloves for this crippling disease.

Cheers Jen


Thanks for the reply I have had good results with the gloves and T shirt .As I am 78years old ,the mind is willing but the body is falling apart .so anything that helps is a bonus!!!!! All the best Fay.


Hi folks,

Years ago I purchased gloves to assist with wear arthritis in my right thumb medial joint. I didn't use them much since the thumb didn't give me any pain.

However, the boney mass around the knuckle grew and grew until the thumb bones were no longer aligned and my grip became very weak. Surgery 6 weeks ago fuse that joint, which is now reinforced with a plate and screws.

The compression mitt the physiotherapist made me at the end of week 2 left grooves in the swollen thumb, and I hankered for more consistent support all around the joint.

So I hauled out my FIR gloves and wore one under my splint. Ah, what a relief!

Last week, at just under 6 weeks post surgery and after wearing the glove continually for four weeks, the splint was removed.

The healing was exceptional, the movement in my hand far better than was expected, the swelling reduced a surprising amount.

Maybe I'm just a good healer, but I believe the glove made the difference between average and exceptional.

I'm still wearing it to get the last bits of swelling to dissipate and give a wee bit of support as my hand comes back to normal use.

E. L. Australia


my mum is pleased as she is a real fan of your products. I have bought gloves before for her and will definitely be back for more,

Kind regards, Lynda B.


Thanks so much. Your gloves are a lifesaver for me and my son!!

Mary S.


Fix your Bunions

FYI, I have been wearing therapy gloves for several years - they are great for golfing.
Then I got bunions. I cut a piece of my left-hand glove, put it on the bad toe. Now I don't have the bunion any more.

Just FYI.
Lucy K. Sun City,az


essage: THANK YOU for the new XXL Wide Sized Open Finger Gloves!! My poor Dad's crippled fingers can now fit better in your product that he already loves!!!
Karen V.


To Help Desk and management.

Received all of order and mom loves the socks and her newer smaller classy gloves.
Thank you for service and also notice that the webstie now seems to clearly state with all the prices U.S. Funds. Worth every penny even with the lower CDN dollar.

Gloria T. BC


Hello Amy.
My 90 yr old aunt has been wearing a pair of your gloves since I discovered them 4-5 years ago. She has the same pair and wears them to bed every night and during the daytime when she cannot move her hands. When she wears them, her pain is relieved and she gets incredible range of motion in her fingers and wrist. They are a wonderful product and provide much comfort to her and to everyone that I give these gloves to as gifts. (I have received many great testimonials with regard to this product).

Thank you for expediting this for me.

Warm regards,
Becky, Michigan


Subject: My Testimonial

Thank you for making such a product. I got my Raynauds Disease when I was 23 years old. I'm 66 now. I bought 3 pairs of your socks before I moved back to N.Y.S. They are wonderful! They keep my feet warm. I've hoped for something like this product for years. My husband was sure they'd have a cure before our retirement. He passed away in 2009. They haven't found a cure but at least I found your socks. Thanks again!

Karen D.


To Whom May Concern

I just wanted to thank you all for such a great product. Your product really works unlike others with similar claims. Thank you again from NY. PS. I want to place another order, could you use my FEDEX account for overnight delivery? Please let me know if it is possible . (we use Post/ Mail for delivery)

Thanks in advance
Happy Holidays
Maria H. K.



I purchased the elbow sleeve one month ago to see if it would help with my tendonitis. I had been suffering for a number of months in my right arm and then it began in my left arm as well. My only regret is that I did not buy two! I settled for rotating from one arm to the other every few hours. Within one week I felt the improvement. I still had pain with certain tasks but it was more tolerable. It has now been one month and I am delighted to report that I am free of pain from tendonitis. I highly recommend this product.

Susan S.
St. George, ON


I received my infrared gloves last week and have been wearing them every night since.

It is so nice to wake up in the morning without aching arms and hands.

Thank-you ever so much!
Judy D. Canada


i purchased your glove maybe a month ago and what a difference i will have them on Sundays why i watch football and i dont need them again for one week. I'm very please at how the gloves workedf or me. Now i'm going to try the shirt and if that works for me i will be very happy to say the least.
Marty W.


Thank you so much! I love the gloves and this discount really helps....have had raynauds for 10 years and these gloves are helping! Margaret B.


After reading other peoples positive reviews about the FIR gloves I decided to order a pair of bio ceramic gloves to try for my trigger finger problems. I have had the gloves approx 2 weeks now, and have only worn them at night, although I still have the problem it is a lot less painful and can now manage most everyday tasks as normal. I will be ordering some of the full gloves for winter.
Many thanks to the manufacturers for such a wonderful product.
Christine R. UK


I bought FIR Gloves this year, and they work fairly well. I find they did their best work outdoors, especially for running. Conventional gloves don't help me at all, because they keep the fingers separated and thus they cool down quickly. But these infrared gloves seem to capture the sun's heat and
keep it in, and keep my fingers evenly warm on both hands. The gloves do not stay as evenly warm when I run into a patach of shade. My regular running gloves are also black, but they do not do this very well at all, despite the fact that black gloves should absorb heat from the sun. So I think the fabric gives me benefit during running outdoors. They do not do as much for me indoors.

So, I would recommend these gloves, but mostly for sunshine in the outdoors! Definitely go with the factory seconds for low price, and the FIR gloves seem to run small. I would never have predicted I needed an XL size
(Large size was a bit tight for me)!


Thank you for getting back to me. My daughter received the shipment on Thursday evening and I can't begin to tell you how very grateful we are for your products. She's been wearing the gloves and the socks my son bought her on a separate order and has not had a Raynauds attack in a few days. I have spread the word about your products and please keep me informed as you come up with new items. Your products are truly a blessing for those afflicted with Raynauds. Many Thanks, Annalouise D.


I have found that these reduce my Reynaud attacks by as much as 90% and almost all the numbness and tingling goes away and stays away if I sleep in
them and use them durning the day when practical. When I do have an attack the intensity is greatly reduced and there is no longer pain. The gloves are comfy and wear like iron and when I don't have them on I miss them. Thank you. Candy


I have had Raynaud's since childhood and at 46 years of age, has become so uncomfortable with daily activities I began searching the internet for remedies (not wanting to take medication). Being a runner it is quite difficult to find gloves/mittens to keep my hands warm on cold fall/winter runs.

I came across your website and initially did not intend to use the FIR gloves for running; however, because they are so thin and lightweight I began using them as liners under my mittens. WOW! What an amazing difference. I use them on every run and bring them with me everywhere I go. They are truly a miracle for me. I will be ordering several more pair.

To people who don't have Raynaud's they cannot understand what a true blessing it is not to suffer with numb painful fingers. Thank you so much for a wonderful product!

Yes, feel free to post this on your testimonial page. Once again, I love the product! Thank you.


To the makers of FIR Gloves and Socks.

While ordering gloves in the best interest of my mother, diagnosed with Raynauds, and having already 2 fingers removed, I decided to order gloves and socks for myself. My hands instantly turn white and numb upon temperatures below 60 degrees if not protected from the elements. My feet barely stay warm in insulated boots with wool socks.

I wore the socks and gloves to bed for the first week before putting them to use during the day.

I can now wear dress shoes to the office without having frozen feet with the FIR socks. I am extremely impressed with their ability to keep my feet warm.

Last weekend I attended a football game, less than 40 degrees outside, only having my hands covered with the gloves, and stayed perfectly warm. Of course, I wore the socks too and never felt a chill.

I don't know how you did it, but these socks and gloves are incredible. I am truly amazed that my hands and feet stay warm. One must be pro-active and wear them BEFORE your hands start to get cold.

They are very well worth the $40 I spent for each product. I only wish I could afford a few more pairs of socks so I wouldn't have to wash them daily.

Thank you.
Pat A. Idaho


Subject: Wonderful Product

Just wanted to let you know how wonderful I think your gloves are. My sister bought a pair for me for my birthday, to try to ease my Raynaud's Disease symptoms. Not only have the gloves worked beyond expectations, but today I found out that I can use the touch pad on my laptop computer with the gloves on! Up until now I have been taking them off, getting cold hands, putting them back on. Now I just leave them on. I can type with them, and now can use the touch pad with them. Wonderful product!

Kathy G. Canada


We already have these gloves and love them. Kind of like a minor miracle. We are ordering for our son and will anxiously wait to see if they work for him too!


... so i have raynauds but have had way fewer attacks (none indoors) since i got these socks...they make gloves too... there kind of expensive but they work.... A. R. Jinks (from facebook)


Customer Message:
I am very happy with my raynaud's gloves, only wish you carried them in brown, beige and yellow. There is a real need for fashionable raynaud's gloves. Why don't you be the first to start! Dawn A.


Customer Message:
I went to the Doctor and they said I have Raynaud's Syndrome. Put me in a Splint for 2 weeks told me to take Aleve night and morning for 2 weeks charged $136.50 went back in 2 weeks said if it got worse she would scheldule me for surgery charged another $75.00. 2 months later recieved a bill for $36.45 for the splint. I ordered your gloves have worn them at night for 10 days and they have helped me sooooo much. I am going to order more of these gloves.
Thank you Carla


Having recently purchased, on separate occasions, two pairs of gloves and two pairs of socks my
Mother now wishes us to purchase a second pair of socks for her. Suffering from severe Reynauds
Disease she has found your product most helpful. Recently she had had to be admitted to hospital
with her fingers worryingly blackened. The hospital staff were extremely anxious about this, the
worse episode she has ever had. Therefore, after research by ourselves found your gloves, she has
been keen to try ghem. They have provided dramatic relief. She now wants a second pair of socks.

Thank you for your attention.
Elaine W. Great Britain

Use Far Infrared Gloves to reduce the swelling in hands.

Best Gloves for Treating Arthritis:

Far Infrared Gloves for Your Hands

Easy to Wear



thank you so much for all your time, effort, and energy in creating these gloves. they work!!!!!! my hands and feet{toes included} are so sensitive to the smallest change in weather. i have reynauds syndrome and lupus. also have tried everything with little sucess. these gloves work. it is nothing short of a miracle.

with warm wishes and deep gratitude. you guys are GREAT!


i would be honored. absolutely the manager has my permisson to post my words.

thank you, diane r.


We are in winter here 'down-under'-nothing like your Canadian cold but bad enough if you have Raynauds' disease! I am writing to thank you for your prompt delivery of the full finger gloves - a revelation! After a week or two of night - time use my fingers are much more flexible and are staying pink and healthy longer. When they do go dead, I put on the gloves & they are back in the pink very quickly. I have to admit I was a bit sceptical but the gloves are a wonderful thing and I carry them at all times.Thank you again -( I am spreading the word to other cold fingered persons).
Regards from Meg J. W. Queensland, Australia.


Thanks, these gloves really help my husbands' hands stay warm.
Deborah H.


I've been meaning to get back to you regarding your FIR gloves. The gloves have been working very well for me. Within two weeks of wearing the FIR gloves, I have noticed significant changes in the blood circulation of my hands. My hands are much warmer on a consistent basis, and do not turn to "ice cold" when touching cold items. These gloves are truly amazing and I cannot believe how quick I have had positive results. I've been searching for a solution to my problem of cold hands, and I've finally found it. Ryan R. S.


I wear my infrared gloves EVERY night. They are a miracle. I still don't understand how they work but they do. Its just not 100 % on my carpal tunnel , my right hand that has the tennis elbow. Thats why if you do make an elbow one eventually, I would be interested. Then I bet my arm will be perfect.

Rebecca J. F.
New Jersey

sure you can use my testimonial.

Do something now to help prevent your symptoms from Getting Worse!.

Try Far Infrared Therapy Gloves for 90 days, risk-free. If you're not totally convinced our gloves have made a positive difference in your life, you may return the items for a refund.

Far Infrared Open Fingertip Gloves

Open Finger Far Infrared Gloves

If you suffer from Trigger Thumb or Trigger Finger, these gloves are for
you. Why? Because the natural FIR energy actually reduces the
inflammation of the tendon sheath that is causing the your fingers to
snap, crackle and pop!

Shop Now